Wednesday, October 5, 2011

New Job Update

I have been working for almost four months now and I must say that although I had serious doubts about working outside the home it is working out well. I work in an office with developmentally disabled clients doing paperwork mostly. I only have to come twice a week (10 hour days) to get in my hours, so I am home with the kids as much as I can be. I wake up extra early while they are still asleep so I can get home before it is very late to spend time with them. My aunt who is homeschooling my cousin and happens to live two doors down offered to take ;my oldest two on the days I am working so that they don't get behind in their studies. She does math and spelling with them for the whole week in those two days and that leaves me to do Bible, reading, english, science, handwriting, and history the other three days. We double up two days and then on Fridays just do one lesson in each. Although I am still extremely exhausted I am not miserable like I thought I would be. It is nice to get away from the house a bit and it makes me appreciate the time I do have with my kids. I don't feel as if I am neglecting them and my job is only ten minutes away. My coworkers are nice and my boss is a joy to work for. I guess God knows what he is doing afterall!! I am still learning over and over to just put all my trust in him. He is always there for me and has the best life in mind for me. I praise him for all my blessings once again. :)

"The natural person does not accept the things of the Spirit of God, for they are folly to him, and he is not able to understand them because they are spiritually discerned."
1 Corinthians 2:14 ESV

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Life Flashing By

Life has really been going by soo quickly lately. Everything that I need to get done is slowly piling up. Hopefully by some miracle I will be able to get it all done before surgery time.
We just took another trip to St Louis for a wedding this time instead of doctor appointments and stayed with my baby sister there. Her new baby boy is just about a month old. It gives me baby fever for about a nanosecond and then I remember sleepless nights and all the diapers and think I can hold off for a bit longer ;) I am seriously starting to look into adoption though. I have always wanted to do this but am too poor to afford it just yet. I do want to get the process started though so I know where we stand and can look to the future. I would love to give one of these little blessings from God a home. I could take all the babies as long as I didn't have to physically have them. I am getting too old for pregnancy during the last pregnancy I was 31 and felt like I was 100!! Maybe everything will work out and number six will be coming along soon :) (that is as soon as I get caught up and get through this surgery and become rich and... lol

Monday, October 3, 2011

Family Updates

Hello All, I have not been able to communicate often because life has totally overtaken me lately. We are entering a new season in life and I for one am thrilled. The nice fall weather has been helpful too :) I thought since it had been a while I would give you all updates on what each family member has been up to lately.

Darling-10 has been accomplishing so much this year as a big fifth grader! She is becoming a young lady and although this time of life isn't always the most enjoyable years as a mother I am proud of her and am glad to get to watch her grow up. She is a great big sister (most the time) and helps me run the household as well as take care of all her brothers. She has been asking me to adopt her a sister her age lol. She misses having friends around as she is now middle school age and social activities are getting more important. She sings and is interested in becoming a musician. We aren't currently enrolled in any activities as our dear swim teacher passed away and our piano teacher moved :( We will be finding something hopefully cheap for her soon. She has been a godsend. I don't know what I would do without her!

Tenderheart-8 is busy being busy lol. He is constantly distracted by anything which makes homeschooling with little ones running round very difficult and time consuming. He is super sweet and as his name implies has a very tender heart. He is now in third grade and is doing great. Multiplication and division hit this year and he is flying through it. He is usually nice to his brothers and helps them out whenever he can without having to be asked. He is interested in taking some form of karate this year and if funds are available we will enroll him and probably all the kids. Hopefully this helps him get some energy out during the winter months when we will be inside more.

Wild Thing-5 is as always a handful. He is constantly into something and has been my biggest challenge. He is supposed to be homeschooling this year for kindergarten but I am hoping if I give him a little time to mature he will be capable of sitting still long enough to learn something. So, we are only doing school with him a couple days a week. He also has allergies and asthma so this keeps us on our toes because he is constantly breaking out in rashes or having trouble breathing and of course he won't stay away from the things that bother his allergies.  He climbs, jumps, fights, and is always covered in dirt. I didn't know what having a true boy was like until he came along. As slight as he is he is the biggest personality in the family :)

Hoss-3 just started Pre K this year and he is the biggest kid there. I pray that he won't be a bully as he tends to be when he is at home at times. He is two years younger than Wild Thing but uses his size to get his way. Poor little Wild Thing doesn't have a chance to win a fight against him. He is very smart and extremely quick to learn new things. I will probably school him along with Wild Thing and let them learn together next year. He is either super sweet or super naughty. There is no in between with him. He is always hungry and has been busted many times under the kitchen table with some type of food he discovered left within his long reach scarfing it down. He has eaten half of a cake before!!

Sweet Cheeks-1 is gearing up for his second surgery. He will be about 18 months old when that takes place. He has a very laid back personality and is very sweet. He loves to get kisses and loves all of his siblings. Needless to say he is very spoiled and almost always gets his way. If mommy says no somebody else will do it for him :) Although he is over a year old he refuses to quit nursing which makes it difficult for me to work ten hour days. So he has reverted back to getting most of his meals throughout the night which is starting to catch up with me because I haven't gotten a good nights sleep since he was born!! HE is getting really close to walking and will be trying to keep up with his brothers soon. As for now I am just trying to enjoy the cute baby stage because it is way to fleeting.

Our family is so truly blessed. I feel so lucky to be born in the USA and to be able to have this great family with hardly ever a "real" worry. Praise God for his many blessings on me!!

That the blessing of Abraham might come upon the Gentiles in Christ Jesus, that we might receive the promise of the Spirit through faith.   Galatians 3:14 (NKJV)

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Sweet Cheeks First Birthday Photo Session

My wonderful aunt shot some pictures for me for Sweet Cheeks first birthday. We got these gems in about a half hour session out in my front yard. Although none of these are touched up yet I am more than pleased!! Check her out at "Shoot Me" Photography.  Enjoy!
what's a lil boy without a baseball :)
had this lil diaper cover made on etsy sooo cute!

"one" just learned this :)

waving to mommy
this is his sock monkey that we did his party around

you can see how his forehead protrudes and the top of his head is pointed

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Sweet Cheeks birthday and craniosynostosis appt

Hello all,
       I have been busier than a bee in a flower patch lately. I have been working my butt off in all areasof life: working, babysitting more, and sewing for custom orders, not to mention 1 husband, five kids, and a dog :). Needless to say I am totally exhausted. I wanted to inform of Sweet Cheeks updates:
       He turned one!!! Yay!! We threw a big outdoor sock monkey party for him at our campground because unlike the other kids I am very well aware how blessed we are to still have our little man in our lives. They all had parties too but this one was special to my heart because at one time we weren't sure what may happen and I realize that if he had been born anywhere else he may not be here right now. For his party, we made a color coordinating candy table. All the candy on it was red and browns to go with sock monkey colors (red hots, connamon disks, suckers, root beer barrels, twizzlers, etc) and I added some coke in glass bottles because they seem to fit the era and theme as well. I also made his monkey cake myself - I used a squre pan and then added a circle on top for the face and cupcakes along the sides for the ears and used the cut off top to make the cake flat for the hat and mouth. It turned out really cute! Tenderheart helped me make "Monkey Munchies" which is a cookie recipe in a quart jar to give out to guests and we put matching fabrics on the llids and tied them on with suede ties. It really ended up super cute although it was extrememly hot! He got to eat cake and ice cream and made a huge mess as every first birthday should be :) I will try to remember to attach some pics later.
       We also hit his six month post op date and so had a dr appt. Unfortunately the dr believes that we need to do a second surgery for the front of his head :(. The last one was only from his ears back and this one will be from his ears up. The measurments from right after surgery to now showed that his head has narrowed again since his last surgery and has also became more pronounced on his forehead. The best way to describe it is cro-magnon ish. We have to get the surgery in the next couple of months because if we wait til his head isn't growing as much they say he won't heal as well and the results won't be as nice. Please keep him inyour prayers!!
    Well I have a lot of other stuff going on but not time to talk now... it's off to work I go!!

Monday, July 25, 2011

11 Month old Sweet Cheeks

My beautiful little baby boy is now 11 months old!! How time flies. It seems like last week I was in the hospital begging for the epidural (I only had it with the last 2 kids, but with his head shape from the craniosynostosis I was in some major pain trying to get him out). Sweets is now crawling and pulling up on things trying to get into stuff. He says several words like dada and mama. He is also doing some baby sign language. He knows the sign for "more" and is learning the ones for "milk" "mama" and "dada". He has six teeth and is has an absolutely adorable smile. He greets me every morning with that sweet smile and helps me get up on those days when I really don't wanna.  He leans in to give me lovins and kisses and is unfortunately also learning a few bad things like slapping people's faces :o  Oh, how quickly they learn to be naughty! I am anxiously awaiting his appointment next month with his plastic surgeon and neuro surgeon so we can see if they think he is going to need the second surgery. It is weighing on my mind lately and the closer it gets the more nervous I am about it. Not sure if this little mama can handle that again. He took it like a real trooper and was so much stronger than I, I am so proud of my lil' man and am looking forward to all the things we are going to get to go through together in this all too short life, good and bad. Motherhood has been such an honor and a blessing in my life. I try never to take it for granted that I have such a great, big, awesome family. I never thought I would have five kids, but now that I do I don't know what I would do without them. Praise God for knowing what is best when I obviously don't have a clue.
She gets up while it is still dark; she provides food for her family and portions for her servant girls. She considers a field and buys it; out of her earnings she plants a vineyard. She sets about her work vigorously; her arms are strong for her tasks. Proverbs 31:15-17

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Money Matters

I finally had time to do our bills and balance the checkbook. I haven't done it in a little over a month because I just didn't have the time. This is one thing that I have to do without interruption. Sweet Cheeks is usually hanging around my legs and the other kids are constantly needing something so while they were at Bible school and Sweets was asleep I took the opportunity to get this horrible job accomplished. This is almost always assuredly a fight waiting to happen because once I see all the money that is being spent at gas stations and the like I freak out because we are on a very limited income and with the new car we have no extra. It wasn't as bad as it typically is so I didn't feel the need to tear into Mr Railroad this time lol. I am sure he'll get it next month :) We are officially in the red by 60 bucks this month. Sooo if Mr Railroad gets any overtime that would be great... we'll have to see what happens. Otherwise, we will have to pay the ones that are necessary and hold of on less important bills. I am so sick of living this way, but it seems no matter how much money we make we always tend to overspend. This is a really bad habit we started when we moved in together right after high school and have never seemed to be able to break. I have heard that you are to pay off the lowest bill first and work your way up to the biggest ones so that is what the plan is for now. I have a few really low credit card bills that we could get paid off and then not be in the red, but would at least break even. I try to avoid thinking about the bills because it greatly stresses me out and Mr Railroad just avoids them altogether (besides racking them up of course- isn't that supposed to be the woman's job!). I am hoping to be debt free by 2013 (except the new car). If we buy nothing else and control ourselves at Christmas we will have a pretty good chance. So off to the store I go for the necessities (I always say a prayer before I shop that I will control my urges and only buy the items that we are in great need off and try to remind myself that we have 5 kids that will need to go to college- they usually go something like this: 

Dear Heavenly Father, Thank you so much for your many blessings upon our lives. Please help us to remember how blessed we are and how much you care for us as we go about our everyday lives. Let us use that knowledge to praise you and to do the things in our lives that will reflect your light. Please give me the wisdom that I so desparately need to use our money in the best way that I know how. Watch over my children and bless them and help me to be the best parent that I can. Thank you, again! In Jesus Precious name, Amen

He who has no rule over his own spirit is like a broken down city without a wall. Proverbs 25:28

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Bath Salt Articles

These are some articles I found concerning the drug that I believe my husband has been dealing with. After reading these articles I am very fearful for his safety as well as the safety of us being around him. He has never exhibited any of these  psychotic episodes that I know of but just to know what it has done to others is enough to terrify anyone.  At least they are working on making this stuff illegal and thus harder to get. I believe the attraction to it is that they cannot get busted because it doesn't show up on typical drug tests and they think that that makes it okay. Please be aware of this new drug especially if you have teens. It seems as though they are the ones at greatest risk. It seems as though the risk for suicide and hallucinations is high and that often they do things under the influence of this drug that harm themselves or others.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Another Stash!

The garage was in desperate need of a clean out so my mom and I started in on it. While going through all of her old VHS tapes (that I was trying to force her to get rid of since they haven't been watched in years) we came upon a clear baggie half full of white powder. Of course my mom isn't an idiot and knew it was Mr Railroad's stash!! We have had many conversations about what we need to do in order to help him and where you draw the line and tell him to get lost. She didn't say a word and just got rid of it. I was absolutely mortified!- not only is it super embarrassing to have to tell your family your married to a drug addict, but I also have a husband who is disrespectful enough to hide his drugs in THEIR garage!!! This hurts me more than him having the drugs! My parents have done so much for us and have always supported him through all that he has done and not done through these past ten years. God has really got to help me get past this one. I am just waiting for now kind of numb. Things either have to get better or they are definitely going to get worse with the way he is headed. Either way I am ready to move on with my life. Hopefully it will be with him instead of without him.
You are my hiding place; you will protect me from trouble and surround me with songs of deliverance. Psalm 32:7-8

Thursday, July 21, 2011

VBS Season

Being right in the middle of the Bible belt, Vacation Bible School is a huge part of our summer and we have been attending bible schools for the last few weeks. Although it wears me out and sucks up a lot of gas it is very worth it. My children learn sooo much from their time there spent learning about God's love with their peers. I am so thankful for all the workers at these programs that have to put up with all these children for 3 hours a night for a week... that would wear anyone out!! I have been fortunate enough to have family members help drop off and pick up which has given me a little extra time to catch up on cleaning and organizing. All the stuff we decided to donate to goodwill is still in our garage from a few weeks ago when we totally overhauled the house, and the cleaning gets really behind after the two days that I have to go to work and am gone 10 hours. I feel very blessed for my job and it is the best job I have ever had. God does know what he is doing after-all :) I will try to remember that the next time I think he is going to kill me with his plans for me to work more or move or have another kid or whatever the next adventure with Him will be.
  “It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in man.” Psalm 118:8

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Cakes and Hoss

I have been hired to make a couple cakes. I am going to make an Elmo and a Big Bird for a sweet little almost two year old girl. I am going to have to get on it to get them done in time. My hands usually get quite achy if I try to do it all at once. I hope that I don't have any problems. Last cake I made Hoss got into it and ate the entire foot off of my monkey pirate!! He really, really likes cake and gets super excited when I start getting all the icing bags and mixes out. He has finally started to slim down a bit, not that he was ever too huge, but he has always had gigantic cheeks and is by far the broadest and tallest of my kids. I am only 5'2" and Mr Railroad is 5'10" so height isn't really expected for out little ones lol. Although all of my kids were tall at birth (each at least 21") and stayed in the 90% or above range until I quit nursing. They would then taper off until they were about 50% range lol. Maybe I should keep breastfeeding til they're five. I don't know how people have the time to do that not to mention the stamina! I can barely get all Sweet Cheeks feedings in without a catastrophe from one of the other kids. They know that I am tied down when I am feeding him and tend to use that time to get into trouble (kinda like whenever you get on the phone and they have to be twice as loud and have a SUPER important question to ask that just can't wait no matter what- something like, "Where is my sock?") Well, I realize I have rambled on about four or five things, my mind is a little stressed and when it is crazy like this I have a little trouble focusing, so off to bake, babysit, cook lunch, and pay bills. OH, Joy!!!
"For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart." Hebrews 4:12

Friday, July 15, 2011

Daddy Day

My wonderful dad is 68 today!! Wow, I can't believe it, he doesn't seem even close to that age! Thankfully he has always worked hard and I believe that this busy lifestyle has helped keep him healthy. He has never been one to just sit on the couch. He has been retired for a few years now but is still just as busy helping run the farm and working a little for my uncle's construction business. We are in the middle of building a new church and they work there most days. He has fought prostrate cancer and won, has suffered broken arms and legs falling off a semi at work, and has come through many obstacles life throws you. He is the greatest dad on Earth... I know you have heard this before but it is really true with my dad. He has always sacrificed himself for us, he puts up with all seven of us living with him (which takes a saint!), and he never complains (or kicks us out).  When I was a  kid he always went to all my games and supported me in whatever I was doing at the time. He is a dad of seven, six girls and one boy, and a grandfather of 21 (5 of them named after him) and all of us love him dearly!! Happy Birthday, Dad!!! We love you!!

His Legacy- kids and grandkids
playing with granddaughter
opening his present

My Dad wearing my nieces hat and sunglasses lol He has always been a jokester
Dad and my brother at Christmas

And he will turn the hearts of fathers to their children and the hearts of children to their fathers, lest I come and strike the land with a decree of utter destruction.” [Malachi 4:6 ESV]

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Financial Freedom- Here We Come!

Yippee! I finally received my first check and it was more than expected! I cannot even begin to tell you how badly I needed it. My wonderful husband believes as long as we have a check we have money. He writes at least one a day and many times two! I refuse to give him the debit card... as of right now he doesn't know we have one ;) This way I know what he has written and have a little more time to get money in the bank before it goes through. I am the financial planner of the family and I am lucky if I can even get him to glance at the bills. I of course being type A have an excel spread sheet of our bills and income. All he has to do is take two seconds to see that we are broke! I think it is easier for him not to see that way he still feels as if he can spend whatever he wants. His attitude is he works hard so he should get to spend whatever he wants. UGH! When is he going to grow up! So.... now that I am working two jobs I am hoping to get caught up a bit. We just had to buy him a new car (a little Toyota) because his died and my car should hopefully be paid off early next year. We had to get mine a year and a half ago (a '08 Honda Pilot) to fit our growing family, my little Ford Contour wasn't going to cut it anymore with five kids. With both cars and my student loan, and credit cards we owe $44,000. OUCH! It hurts to look at that number! Slowly but surely I plan to be out of debt. I will never get a store card again (even if it saves you 10%) I always fall for that and then never pay it off right away and end up using it instead. I am determined to be financial free so I can focus on other more important things like my beautiful family.

The rich rule over the poor, and the borrower is servant to the lender. Proverbs 22:7

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Be Fruitful and Multiply

As you can probably guess I am from a huge family. I am one of seven kids and my parents each came from large families. My mom had five siblings and my dad had ten. As of right now I have twenty-one nieces and nephews with one on the way. Plus my parents have just had their first great-grandchild. My uncle who we always kid we are in competition with has twenty-four grandchildren. The family joke has always been if you don't know of anyone that's pregnant in the family it is just because they haven't told yet! Right now we have four expecting (and one that just had a miscarriage :(  ) We are a fertile bunch or as some have told us "a horny bunch" lol. I am glad that I am not the pregnant one this time around! I have horrible pregnancies and it greatly irritates me to hear people saying how great they feel while pregnant... all I do is throw-up and feel like throwing-up for nine months. I will take as many babies as God would give me, but just would like to skip the pregnancy part. So although happy it isn't me I congratulate all of those that are expecting and can't wait to see and hold the little bundles of joy! One thing our family is really really good at is making cute kids ;)
"And God blessed them, and God said to them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it; and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living animal that moveth upon the earth." Genesis 1:28
"And God blessed Noah and his sons, and said to them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth" Genesis 9:1
"As for you, be fruitful and increase in number; multiply on the earth and increase upon it. " Genesis 9:7

Monday, July 11, 2011

Hallelujah! Function is back!

Two of my aunts volunteered their time to help me get this house in order. This was an offer that I could not refuse!! They have been told before that they could start a business doing this since they actually enjoy it! Ugh!
We live in a house with a full finished basement. My room (including Sweet Cheeks bed) and Darling's room are downstairs and we have a living area, bathroom, and laundry room downstairs also. The plan was to move all my stuff except the boys clothes down. That included my entire craft supply, all sewing items made and works in progress, the kids homework books, and all toys. This was no small feat!! We worked for two solid days! We got two tables put together to be my sewing/ craft/ homework area. My sewing machine is on one side and all the kids homework boxes are on the other so I can help them while I am sewing or crafting.  They each have their own designated spot where they sit and have everything they need right next to them.  Everything that used to be strewn all over the place for my Etsy store is now neatly packed into totes and boxes and labeled accordingly.  We went through EVERYTHING and threw out a ton of stuff. My aunt even went through every pen and marker to make sure they worked before putting them away... everything has a place and everything is in its place with her.  I am sure this house drives her crazy when she comes over!
The upstairs is totally clean and rearranged so that my mom can feel like she has her house back somewhat. She has never been one to rearrange or even care about style and is more concerned about the cows and garden so this was a long time coming. She still had decorations and furniture that she got 35 years ago that had seen it's better day (plus gold and orange aren't really the style these days). Although many people may be offended by others coming into your house and changing it she is ecstatic because she doesn't know what or how to do it herself. Now our house has more functionality and I feel better knowing my parents have a bigger portion of it to themselves. Letting a family of seven live with you takes up a lot of space!  Good thing they built such a large house so long ago. My grandpa had a construction business so my parents, uncles, and he worked on it for free. We have five bedrooms (used to be seven converted two into a living room), three baths, two living rooms, a dining room, kitchen, and laundry room along with a two car garage.  This size of house is such a blessing for a gigantic families like ours. :) Thank you to my super wonderful aunts!!!

She gets up while it is still dark; she provides food for her family and portions for her servant girls. She considers a field and buys it; out of her earnings she plants a vineyard. She sets about her work vigorously; her arms are strong for her tasks.  Proverbs 31:15-17

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Moving Along

We are starting to get into a routine with my work and homeschooling going full speed ahead. I am always so determined at the beginning of the year to keep all subjects up to date and never get behind, but that kind of goes out the window as reality hits throughout the year; so far we are doing really well and are staying on task.  Darling and Tenderheart are really showing their maturity since last year and are starting to become self motivated which is right next to a miracle in my book... trying to push them along when they weren't into it really took a lot of my energy last year.  I will start Wild Thing and Hoss a little later (not too thrilled about the war that will ensue with Wild Thing). They are about at the same level so I may do a lot of their work together. Hoss enjoys doing homework because he feels big like his brothers; on the other hand Wild Thing would much rather never learn a thing and go on about his sword fighting and collecting of lego stickers (which are ending up all over my walls!). Nevertheless we are moving along and I am not losing my mind (which is a blessing from God). My store is doing great and I am selling quite a bit from people around here who have heard about my products so maybe bills will get paid and I'll be rich lol.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

He's Still Working on Me

I was just thinking of this song and how I have done so many things that do not reflect my Christianity.  I am a work in progress and hope that each day I am getting closer to the person God desires me to be. Whenever I try to do it on my own I always  fail miserably. My pride gets in my way often. I am stubborn and selfish. I have done so many things that I am ashamed of but am sooo blessed to have a Savior who is willing to look beyond all of that and love me, even me, enough to die for me and save me from myself. Thank you God for working on me and not ever giving up on such a sinner like myself.

He's still working on me
To make me what I need to be
It took him just a week to make the moon and stars
The sun and the earth and Jupiter and Mars
How loving and patient He must be
'Cause He's still workin' on me 

There really ought to be a sign upon my heart
Don't judge him yet, there's an unfinished part
But I'll be better just according to His plan
Fashioned by the Master's loving hands 

In the mirror of His word
Reflections that I see
Makes me wonder why He never gave up on me
But He loves me as I am and helps me when I pray
Remember He's the potter; I'm the clay 

Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters,whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything. James 1:2-4

Friday, July 1, 2011

Puke in the Pool

Today we were supposed to leave for my niece's wedding up north but Tenderheart has been throwing up all day :( He looks awful! We went to his baseball pool party yesterday and a little kid threw up in the pool while we were in it (really, really gross!).. so I think that is how we got the "bug." Pretty disgusting, at least it wasn't diarrhea. So... I went ahead and sent Darling to the wedding with my parents in their motor home because she is supposed to be the "bubble hander-outer" and I am trying to get myself motivated to clean out totes full of boy clothes in the garage, (I'll send all I don"t need to my lil' sister who is due in August. YAY! I can't wait!), then I need to get caught up on some sewing, and straighten my desk which is a total disaster right now. I also need to get all my papers organized so I can pay bills (hopefully we haven't already missed some since I haven't had time to even open my mail lately). Mr Railroad left to go out of town for several days, so it is just the boys and I. Hopefully none of the rest of us get ill. 
The rest of this week is looking pretty good. The schedule isn't so full that I can't read my calendar! I am sooo glad ball is over... I love watching the games but with three playing there is never a night off, most times two games a night. We have also started homeschooling again this week and thus far I haven't lost my mind. Darling claimed that it is not going to be like last year, she said she isn't going to procrastinate this year (we will see how long that lasts). I am determined to stay on a schedule now that I am working and am not that flexible which was one of my favorite things about homeschooling... we could just pick up and go anywhere or do anything whenever we felt like it, now we have to wait for weekends like everyone else :( That stinks because we are used to avoiding the crowds by going midweek or midday to the store or to waterparks, zoos, and the like. The next few weeks will tell if I am going to be able to keep up this pace and "do it all" or if I am going to have a nervous break down. I am one of those people who are the happiest when I should be really happy this year.   :)

Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.” Matthew 11:28-30

Friday, June 24, 2011

Shaved Eyebrows

I sent my two oldest kids to the shower. We were in a really big hurry so I told them to just hop in together and get out asap.  After they got out Darling came up to me me and said, "sorry mommy." I immediately started thinking of all the things she could have possible done and went with the one she is usually in trouble for. So I said, "did you tell me a lie?" to which she replied no. I asked, "well what in the world did you do?" Her response- "I shaved Tenderheart's eyebrows off"!!! I was in such a shock thinking why in the world would you ever even think of doing something like that. I called Tenderheart to the basement so I could assess the damage. Each of his eyebrows was half shaved off! Only the insides of each one was left! I asked him why would he ever let his sister shave his eyebrows off and he stated he tried to block her but she did it too fast which brought a picture to my mind of her welding the blade waving it around trying to get to his eyebrows and cutting his eye. I called her in to explain the dangers of playing with razors and asked her why she even wanted to shave his eyebrows off and she replied because she wanted him to look younger!! I attribute this to tv- how would a 10 and 8 year old start worrying about looking younger?! I just laughed and couldn't really punish appropriately so I told Tenderheart next time Darling has any ideas just say "NO!". Oh my, only my kids would think of doing such a crazy thing!!

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Gifts from Above

     Work is going great. Glad for the job and I also have several sewing jobs to do and am picking up extra babysitting (not sure how much I want but we need the money). Lesson learned: Watch how much you pray for something!! I have more work than I could ever get done :)
     The twins didn't come today b/c the poor lil' boy broke his collar bone! Ouch! Apparently there is nothing you do for that but let it heal, so I probably will have him tomorrow and will be a nervous wreck that one of my "perfect" children will hurt him. So since I have the day off from official work I am working on my sewing projects while the kids run around.  I am making a sailboat pillowcase and a cute tie tee for a wedding of a lady's in France. I also have two other pillowcases for gifts I am working on that I have put off for far too long. One is going to be an animal scene with turtles and the other blues and greens ocean scene. I will hopefully have time to post some pics of them soon.
     We finally got our new 18' pool up and it has about 8 inches of water in it which the kids think is just wonderful! They played in it all morning lol. How nice they're going to think it is when we get it full lol. We are on well water so we can only put in a little a day or our well will run dry and we'll have to wait for it to refill, but it's free! My older sister gave us the pool because her kids are older and don't use it much anymore. I don't know what we would do without all the people in our lives who have given us stuff and helped babysit while I went to school or work. We are so very blessed to have a great, huge, Christian family to lean on!!

“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened for you. For everyone who asks receives, and the one who seeks finds, and to the one who knocks the door will be opened. Is there anyone among you who, if his son asks for bread, will give him a stone? Or if he asks for a fish, will give him a snake? If you then, although you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him! In everything, treat others as you would want them to treat you, for this fulfills the law and the prophets. Matthew 7:7-12

Friday, June 17, 2011

To Do List: Get Organized!

I decided with all that is going on I needed to become more organized with our homeschooling for this upcoming year. I sat down with Darling and Tenderheart and we picked days that we wanted off and then counted up how many to get to 170 days of schoolwork (that is the most lessons we do in any one book) and we should be able to finish all books in mid April. Of course there will be many things that come up and more times that we decide we need a break but that gives us a whole month or so to play with so surely we can get it all done early and enjoy a nice long summer break next year. I feel like a little stress has come off of me just having a plan. I am really a planning and list making type A personality. I really love having a place for everything and everything in its place although you would never know it by the way my house looks. I tend to either keep it perfectly or not at all. So as far as keeping all the toys and clothes put away - I could never get it done unless the kids moved out lol. 
I am also hoping to schedule chores and jobs for the kids to do on a weekly basis to help me out around the house more since I will be gone a lot more than they are used to. I have decided against allowance for these thinking that they need the intrinsic reward more than monetary gain for helping others. It is more of a I feed, clothe, and shelter you so you can help with the dishes and laundry kind of thing. Maybe I am too old fashioned in my belief that it builds character but I don't think so. More kids need to learn the value of hard work- I can't tell you how many places I have been where the employee acts like I am a pain because I force them to DO THEIR JOB to wait on me! This is something I never would have done to anyone and have always prided myself in being a hard worker no matter how menial my job because I was raised that if you don't work you don't eat. By the time I was sixteen I had a job and I paid for almost all of my own clothes and gas and ballgame money. Hopefully I am doing the right thing I really want them to be heavenly minded and to think of others before themselves.
"In everything I did, I showed you that by this kind of hard work we must help the weak, remembering the words the Lord Jesus himself said: ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’  Acts 20:35 NIV

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Sweet's Shots

My new job has really taken a toll not only am I working outside the home I now have paperwork to do while at home. I am trying to spend as much spare time with the kids and am quite unsure if this was the right thing to do. Once we start homeschooling again I don't think I will be able to do it all. The kids aren't getting all they need from us.
  I also had to take Sweet Cheeks for his 9 mos check-up and he got three shots (he is behind because of his surgery). He did really well and hardly even cried although his legs are still really sore. He did get batman bandages to make him feel better. He has been fussy for the last two days (and nights) now and has been running a fever. I feel sooo bad to leave him when he doesn't feel well. He really just wants to be held and cuddled with. He lays his little head on your shoulder and snuggles into your neck. He is even more cute when he is sick, poor lil man. 
I've got to get ready for work which now includes make-up and hair- I haven't had to do all that except on Sundays for a few years. It takes longer than I remember (may be due to the fact that I am older and have to do more to look good). Plus I need to work in a nursing session before I go. Wish me a good, fast day!

Sunday, June 12, 2011

First Day on the Job

I started my new job today!  It wasn't the funnest (is this a word?) day but first days usually aren't. It was filled with paperwork and learning codes, regulations, and acronyms. Yep! you guessed it I am working for the state. I will be doing charts and filing to catch us up and then hopefully take on more responsibilities as I learn what in the world I am doing. I get really anxious when I have to learn new things and especially when they want me to know it yesterday. Also, I am still having major issues trying to get my time in (20 hours a week). We already have so much scheduled with games and practices and dr appts and swim lessons and sewing and babysitting and .... My life is going to be crazy for a while. Too bad I have to sleep or I could get it all done! I am thankful to have a job in these economic tough times where so many can't find one and am trying to remind myself it is a blessing and to work as if it were for the Lord.
“Work willingly at whatever you do, as though you were working for the Lord rather than for people. Remember that the Lord will give you an inheritance as your reward, and that the Master you are serving is Christ. —Colossians 3:23-24

Friday, June 10, 2011


Although I am not really sure I want another job I have one. This job kinda just fell in my lap and with today's economy I really can't turn it down even though I don't see how I am going to have time to do it. I got the job without an interview and without even turning in my application! They had me fill it in after they gave me the job! As of right now I babysit Mondays, Thursdays, and Fridays from 8-5:30 and have ball practices, ballgames, and swim lessons almost every evening, and when we start homeschooling again that will take pretty much from 7-2 everyday, plus all the sewing I am having to do as of late (what a crummy time for my etsy store to take off). Well that leaves me with Saturdays which is fine and Tuesdays and Wednesdays which isn't what I want because I will have to find babysitters.  I was hoping to do all evenings so that Mr Railroad will be here and they will always have one of us with them. I am getting a little stressed out already and haven't even started yet!! I hope God knows what he is doing with this one because I sure don't! I will start next week so I pray I can keep my sanity and am not even going to leet myself think how I am going to keep house.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

4 months Post-Op Craniosynostosis Update

Today was Sweet Cheeks' 4 month check-up at the children's hospital. It takes us about 2.5 hours to get there so we had to get up at 5 to have time to get ready and nurse him before we left. I was blessed enough to have an appointment the same day as my cousin's baby (he has gastrointestinal problems) thirty minutes apart so we could ride together. This really helps especially at today's gas prices!! The doctor was a little concerned with his protruding forehead still, but to me he looks wonderful and I am quite sure we will not opt for surgery unless it is a brain issue that could cause harm not just merely cosmetic. I am extremely happy to say that he is doing amazingly well and is progressing. He now has enough hair to cover up his scar so it isn't hardly noticeable, he is starting to army crawl, and is catching up with his peers. I believe the only reason he was a little lacking is because we held him so much afraid he may hurt his head (or his siblings hurt it for him). Now he is terrifically spoiled, never sleeps in his own bed, and wants to be held all the time! This is hard to do with four other kiddos biding for your attention, but we are working it out. I thank God we have a joyful, chubby, happy and healthy little man that we are sooo very privileged to get the opportunity to raise. What a awesome gift!
Here are some literal "Head Shots" lol:
top view of his still oval shape

just a cute smile :)

side view that shows forehead protrusion

another side view

"I'm spoiled and wanna be held" view

forehead protrusion

another cute smile!

front view- sides go out a lil at top

trying to get a top view lol

Behold, children are a heritage from the LORD, the fruit of the womb a reward. Like arrows in the hand of a warrior are the children of one’s youth. Blessed is the man who fills his quiver with them! He shall not be put to shame when he speaks with his enemies in the gate.  Psalms 127:3-5

Monday, June 6, 2011

Goodbye Books, Hello Sunshine!

I am officially on my own today. Usually I have my parents in and out to help with the kids if I need them, but they had to go up north three hours to my sister's house to help her get her house ready to put on the market. I have all 5 of mine and the twins and it is 101 degrees outside so I can't take them out to get rid of energy today. So far we have done pretty good and it is nap time now so we will see if they go to sleep since they have been inside all day and aren't totally wore out.

Mr. Railroad just called and said he will be late so I have Wild Thing's ballgame and Darling's ball practice to get sorted out also. Just another typical day around here and I am thankful for it. I enjoy days at home with my family. Homeschooling will be done by Wednesday, so in two days we will be partying!! Hopefully we will get our pool put up by then and we can enjoy it.

I am still trying to decide how much of a break we will do. We typically have a short break and then continue on working through the summer and take more small breaks so the kids don't have to waste time in review work and we can take off anytime we are getting overwhelmed by it. I believe I am more ready for a break than they are! I put so much pressure on myself trying to do it all and make sure they are up to par and usually a little ahead. Everyone scrutinizes you when you are a homeschooler and it feels often times I am trying to prove we are doing well by keeping them ahead of their peers. Homeschooling is really stressful, but so worth the benefits of having a close knit, God fearing family and who cares more about your child than you, the parent.

Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.  Proverbs 22:6

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Meeting the Amish

Wow have our prayers for the rain to end and summer to begin been answered!! It is in the nineties and I have been sweating my butt off! We went on a bus tour with my grandmother's company- Gray Tours- yesterday to the Amish lands in Indiana. Of course the air went out and we had to sweat it out for nearly three hours... that part was NOT fun, but we really enjoyed the rest of the trip. I took Darling, Tenderheart, and Wild Thing and left Sweet Cheeks and Hoss with Mr Railroad. He took them to visit his mother in the hospital (she has pneumonia and a bladder infection) and I believe they thoroughly wore him out! Wild Thing was busy as usual and made his way up and down the bus aisles many, many times. Darling and Tenderheart had a few friends on the bus so they played and read books and mostly stayed out of my hair so I could visit and tend to Wild Thing. We watched how they make a harnesses, saw many out in this heat farming, got to tour a house that they actually live in, and of course we made time to eat and shop. I bought some of their really yummy homemade bread and some apple butter to enjoy at home. Wild Thing fell in love with a homemade leather tool belt at the harness shop and so we bought it for him and he even wore it to church today with his Sunday clothes! A great trip with great people!
Darling and Tenderheart ready to go

Wild Thing with our cousin

the girls and their toys
Wild Thing's new toolbelt

My Gma talkin to everyone
Yummy Homecooked food

how a Wild Thing sleeps :)
Tenderheart's hat and an Amish doll
Wild Thing fell asleep FINALLY

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Lazy Sunday

I had a really nice Sunday!! We went to Sunday School and church services and then came home and cooked to go to my aunt's house down the road for a BIG meal.  All of our company (which are also family) and all my family that lives on the loop (we live on a road around a pond we call the loop) which is my grandmother, brother and his family, my cousin and her family, and my aunt- joined us for potluck. We had a great meal packed with many many calories! I also got a chance to join my aunt and quilt and then we had an enjoyable time just sitting and visiting with them all. Sundays always seem to be relaxed and everyone can enjoy doing the simple things in life. For us the best part is hanging out with the family doing unstructured things... we hardly ever get time to do this otherwise. I am really blessed to have such a great family and to be able to see them as often as I do!!
But if serving the LORD seems undesirable to you, then choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve, whether the gods your forefathers served beyond the River, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you are living. But as for me and my household, we will serve the LORD."  Joshua 24:15

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Companies Here!

Company made it in. We have four adults and two kids to add to the household. This should be fun! They are staying for a week and hopefully I will have time to enjoy it. Between all the ballgames and practices and the extra babysitting I have taken on lately I am not sure what my name is most days. We have practices at least four times a week, swim lessons once a week, games at least twice a week, and church three times a week, sewing time for my etsy shop, plus I just agreed to sit the twins three times a week! Why do I do this to myself? I love to be busy but this is getting a little ridiculous. This will be my life my the next 18 summers lol. I am trying to remember that it is really such a blessing that we are able to do all these things and that I have work so whenever it gets really hectic I chant in my head "I am blessed, I am blessed, I am blessed!" to remind myself to take a breather and remember getting to the game a little late isn't the end of the world! I am gearing up for summer fun!!

He has showed you... what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God. Micah 6:8

Friday, May 27, 2011

Plague of Locusts

Not only has our neck of the woods been in a stream of bad weather... including many flooded areas and several tornadoes... now we have locusts EVERYWHERE! It reminds me of what Bible times plagues must of been like (okay maybe not that bad but grotesquely bad) The trees are all covered with them and our playhouse has them everywhere. When you walk through the yard they fly up on you!! 
Their hard shells are all over under the swing and porch and the boys have been picking them off and putting them on their shirts. They cling there while they run around having a great time scaring me with them. They are about 2 inches long with red eyes. I am not a bug person and this really freaks me out. They say that these come out every thirteen years, but all my family who has lived here forever says they have never seen any like these. No matter where they come from or how often I am sooo ready to be rid of them. EWWW!
pile of dead ones at the bottom of the tree

shells all over the tree in our front yard

playhouse with locusts everywhere and branches from yet another storm

close up of the nasty little things

Wednesday, May 25, 2011


I'm only human, I'm just a woman. 
Help me believe in what I could be 
And all that I am. 
Show me the stairway, I have to climb. 
Lord for my sake, teach me to take 
One day at a time. 
Chorus: One day at a time sweet Jesus 
That's all I'm asking from you. 
Just give me the strength 
To do everyday what I have to do. 
Yesterday's gone sweet Jesus 
And tomorrow may never be mine. 
Lord help me today,  show me the way 
One day at a time. 
Do you remember, 
when you walked among men? 
Well Jesus you know if you're looking below 
It's worse now, than then. 
Cheating and stealing, violence and crime 
So for my sake, teach me to take 
One day at a time.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Home Sweet Home

We made it to my sisters and back with no problems. It was a three hour trip so not a big deal. I am glad to be home although that means a lot of work to be done. We have company coming to stay with us for the week starting on Friday. The wedding went well (except for the millions of mosquitoes!) They decided to have an outdoor wedding beside the river and it just so happened that the mosquitoes decided to come out in droves that day. We all have whelps all over us!! Poor Sweet Cheeks has a big one right on his left cheek. Soon after the ceremony we ducked out and made a mad dash for the motor home. I think they really wanted us to stay but even free food couldn't keep us there this time which normally would be more than enough reason to stay. Feeding our family is no easy task! Hope the weekend was just as enjoyable to all of you ;) Now all I need to do is cook, clean, and take kids to baseball practice. Wouldn't be so far behind if I hadn't snuck a nap in after dentists appointments :o

Friday, May 20, 2011

Wedding Trip

We are off to my nephews wedding 5 hours north. We are all packing into my parent's motor home(all 9 of us). This should be fun! lol I will fill you in from my phone if I can as we progress. Hopefully we will not kill each other on the way :) Talk to ya in a few.

Do you not know? Have you not heard? The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He will not grow tired or weary, and his understanding no one can fathom. He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak. Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint. Isaiah 40:18-31

Thursday, May 19, 2011


We are greatly saddened today as we have just heard about a close church friend's son has passed away in a motorcycle accident. He leaves behind a wife and a three and a half year old daughter. Please remember this family in your prayers and pray for acceptance of this tragic event. May the Prince of Peace guide them through this difficult time.

The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit. Psalm 34: 18

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Memory Lane

We have FINALLY decided to pull up the nasty carpeting in our kitchen and bathroom and put in carpet tiles that can be replaced as they get stained and that way we can still keep carpet (I for one think carpeting in a kitchen or a bathroom is CRAZY especially with five kids in the house, but it is my mom's house so...). The bathroom will at least have real tile next to the tub and toilet. The floor underneath brought back lots of memories. This is the floor that was put in when the house was built about 35 years ago by my grandpa and parents. I remember playing on it (and mopping it on my hands and knees) as a child. The paneling speaks for itself!! I cannot believe this was the style back then and that my parents have kept it this long!! I have to admit I will miss it though. I have become accustomed to the ugly green and yellow coloring and the house will not be the same without it. Just another step to my old house being modernized. It is exciting and sad all at the same time. Hopefully more changes to come soon to this old house.
removing carpet from kitchen
my dad in on the action
Wild Thing loved working with tools
this is our old floor and paneling... cute right! lol

Tenderheart removing staples for us
the bathroom getting the same treatment

And you shall rejoice in all the good that the Lord your God has given to you and to your house, you, and the Levite, and the sojourner who is among you.  Deuteronomy 26:11