Friday, June 24, 2011

Shaved Eyebrows

I sent my two oldest kids to the shower. We were in a really big hurry so I told them to just hop in together and get out asap.  After they got out Darling came up to me me and said, "sorry mommy." I immediately started thinking of all the things she could have possible done and went with the one she is usually in trouble for. So I said, "did you tell me a lie?" to which she replied no. I asked, "well what in the world did you do?" Her response- "I shaved Tenderheart's eyebrows off"!!! I was in such a shock thinking why in the world would you ever even think of doing something like that. I called Tenderheart to the basement so I could assess the damage. Each of his eyebrows was half shaved off! Only the insides of each one was left! I asked him why would he ever let his sister shave his eyebrows off and he stated he tried to block her but she did it too fast which brought a picture to my mind of her welding the blade waving it around trying to get to his eyebrows and cutting his eye. I called her in to explain the dangers of playing with razors and asked her why she even wanted to shave his eyebrows off and she replied because she wanted him to look younger!! I attribute this to tv- how would a 10 and 8 year old start worrying about looking younger?! I just laughed and couldn't really punish appropriately so I told Tenderheart next time Darling has any ideas just say "NO!". Oh my, only my kids would think of doing such a crazy thing!!

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