Saturday, May 28, 2011

Companies Here!

Company made it in. We have four adults and two kids to add to the household. This should be fun! They are staying for a week and hopefully I will have time to enjoy it. Between all the ballgames and practices and the extra babysitting I have taken on lately I am not sure what my name is most days. We have practices at least four times a week, swim lessons once a week, games at least twice a week, and church three times a week, sewing time for my etsy shop, plus I just agreed to sit the twins three times a week! Why do I do this to myself? I love to be busy but this is getting a little ridiculous. This will be my life my the next 18 summers lol. I am trying to remember that it is really such a blessing that we are able to do all these things and that I have work so whenever it gets really hectic I chant in my head "I am blessed, I am blessed, I am blessed!" to remind myself to take a breather and remember getting to the game a little late isn't the end of the world! I am gearing up for summer fun!!

He has showed you... what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God. Micah 6:8

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