Monday, July 25, 2011

11 Month old Sweet Cheeks

My beautiful little baby boy is now 11 months old!! How time flies. It seems like last week I was in the hospital begging for the epidural (I only had it with the last 2 kids, but with his head shape from the craniosynostosis I was in some major pain trying to get him out). Sweets is now crawling and pulling up on things trying to get into stuff. He says several words like dada and mama. He is also doing some baby sign language. He knows the sign for "more" and is learning the ones for "milk" "mama" and "dada". He has six teeth and is has an absolutely adorable smile. He greets me every morning with that sweet smile and helps me get up on those days when I really don't wanna.  He leans in to give me lovins and kisses and is unfortunately also learning a few bad things like slapping people's faces :o  Oh, how quickly they learn to be naughty! I am anxiously awaiting his appointment next month with his plastic surgeon and neuro surgeon so we can see if they think he is going to need the second surgery. It is weighing on my mind lately and the closer it gets the more nervous I am about it. Not sure if this little mama can handle that again. He took it like a real trooper and was so much stronger than I, I am so proud of my lil' man and am looking forward to all the things we are going to get to go through together in this all too short life, good and bad. Motherhood has been such an honor and a blessing in my life. I try never to take it for granted that I have such a great, big, awesome family. I never thought I would have five kids, but now that I do I don't know what I would do without them. Praise God for knowing what is best when I obviously don't have a clue.
She gets up while it is still dark; she provides food for her family and portions for her servant girls. She considers a field and buys it; out of her earnings she plants a vineyard. She sets about her work vigorously; her arms are strong for her tasks. Proverbs 31:15-17

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