Monday, July 11, 2011

Hallelujah! Function is back!

Two of my aunts volunteered their time to help me get this house in order. This was an offer that I could not refuse!! They have been told before that they could start a business doing this since they actually enjoy it! Ugh!
We live in a house with a full finished basement. My room (including Sweet Cheeks bed) and Darling's room are downstairs and we have a living area, bathroom, and laundry room downstairs also. The plan was to move all my stuff except the boys clothes down. That included my entire craft supply, all sewing items made and works in progress, the kids homework books, and all toys. This was no small feat!! We worked for two solid days! We got two tables put together to be my sewing/ craft/ homework area. My sewing machine is on one side and all the kids homework boxes are on the other so I can help them while I am sewing or crafting.  They each have their own designated spot where they sit and have everything they need right next to them.  Everything that used to be strewn all over the place for my Etsy store is now neatly packed into totes and boxes and labeled accordingly.  We went through EVERYTHING and threw out a ton of stuff. My aunt even went through every pen and marker to make sure they worked before putting them away... everything has a place and everything is in its place with her.  I am sure this house drives her crazy when she comes over!
The upstairs is totally clean and rearranged so that my mom can feel like she has her house back somewhat. She has never been one to rearrange or even care about style and is more concerned about the cows and garden so this was a long time coming. She still had decorations and furniture that she got 35 years ago that had seen it's better day (plus gold and orange aren't really the style these days). Although many people may be offended by others coming into your house and changing it she is ecstatic because she doesn't know what or how to do it herself. Now our house has more functionality and I feel better knowing my parents have a bigger portion of it to themselves. Letting a family of seven live with you takes up a lot of space!  Good thing they built such a large house so long ago. My grandpa had a construction business so my parents, uncles, and he worked on it for free. We have five bedrooms (used to be seven converted two into a living room), three baths, two living rooms, a dining room, kitchen, and laundry room along with a two car garage.  This size of house is such a blessing for a gigantic families like ours. :) Thank you to my super wonderful aunts!!!

She gets up while it is still dark; she provides food for her family and portions for her servant girls. She considers a field and buys it; out of her earnings she plants a vineyard. She sets about her work vigorously; her arms are strong for her tasks.  Proverbs 31:15-17

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