Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Financial Freedom- Here We Come!

Yippee! I finally received my first check and it was more than expected! I cannot even begin to tell you how badly I needed it. My wonderful husband believes as long as we have a check we have money. He writes at least one a day and many times two! I refuse to give him the debit card... as of right now he doesn't know we have one ;) This way I know what he has written and have a little more time to get money in the bank before it goes through. I am the financial planner of the family and I am lucky if I can even get him to glance at the bills. I of course being type A have an excel spread sheet of our bills and income. All he has to do is take two seconds to see that we are broke! I think it is easier for him not to see that way he still feels as if he can spend whatever he wants. His attitude is he works hard so he should get to spend whatever he wants. UGH! When is he going to grow up! So.... now that I am working two jobs I am hoping to get caught up a bit. We just had to buy him a new car (a little Toyota) because his died and my car should hopefully be paid off early next year. We had to get mine a year and a half ago (a '08 Honda Pilot) to fit our growing family, my little Ford Contour wasn't going to cut it anymore with five kids. With both cars and my student loan, and credit cards we owe $44,000. OUCH! It hurts to look at that number! Slowly but surely I plan to be out of debt. I will never get a store card again (even if it saves you 10%) I always fall for that and then never pay it off right away and end up using it instead. I am determined to be financial free so I can focus on other more important things like my beautiful family.

The rich rule over the poor, and the borrower is servant to the lender. Proverbs 22:7

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