Friday, July 22, 2011

Another Stash!

The garage was in desperate need of a clean out so my mom and I started in on it. While going through all of her old VHS tapes (that I was trying to force her to get rid of since they haven't been watched in years) we came upon a clear baggie half full of white powder. Of course my mom isn't an idiot and knew it was Mr Railroad's stash!! We have had many conversations about what we need to do in order to help him and where you draw the line and tell him to get lost. She didn't say a word and just got rid of it. I was absolutely mortified!- not only is it super embarrassing to have to tell your family your married to a drug addict, but I also have a husband who is disrespectful enough to hide his drugs in THEIR garage!!! This hurts me more than him having the drugs! My parents have done so much for us and have always supported him through all that he has done and not done through these past ten years. God has really got to help me get past this one. I am just waiting for now kind of numb. Things either have to get better or they are definitely going to get worse with the way he is headed. Either way I am ready to move on with my life. Hopefully it will be with him instead of without him.
You are my hiding place; you will protect me from trouble and surround me with songs of deliverance. Psalm 32:7-8

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