Friday, June 10, 2011


Although I am not really sure I want another job I have one. This job kinda just fell in my lap and with today's economy I really can't turn it down even though I don't see how I am going to have time to do it. I got the job without an interview and without even turning in my application! They had me fill it in after they gave me the job! As of right now I babysit Mondays, Thursdays, and Fridays from 8-5:30 and have ball practices, ballgames, and swim lessons almost every evening, and when we start homeschooling again that will take pretty much from 7-2 everyday, plus all the sewing I am having to do as of late (what a crummy time for my etsy store to take off). Well that leaves me with Saturdays which is fine and Tuesdays and Wednesdays which isn't what I want because I will have to find babysitters.  I was hoping to do all evenings so that Mr Railroad will be here and they will always have one of us with them. I am getting a little stressed out already and haven't even started yet!! I hope God knows what he is doing with this one because I sure don't! I will start next week so I pray I can keep my sanity and am not even going to leet myself think how I am going to keep house.

1 comment:

  1. Its so awesome that your shop is getting alot of sales though!!!!!!!


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