Sunday, June 5, 2011

Meeting the Amish

Wow have our prayers for the rain to end and summer to begin been answered!! It is in the nineties and I have been sweating my butt off! We went on a bus tour with my grandmother's company- Gray Tours- yesterday to the Amish lands in Indiana. Of course the air went out and we had to sweat it out for nearly three hours... that part was NOT fun, but we really enjoyed the rest of the trip. I took Darling, Tenderheart, and Wild Thing and left Sweet Cheeks and Hoss with Mr Railroad. He took them to visit his mother in the hospital (she has pneumonia and a bladder infection) and I believe they thoroughly wore him out! Wild Thing was busy as usual and made his way up and down the bus aisles many, many times. Darling and Tenderheart had a few friends on the bus so they played and read books and mostly stayed out of my hair so I could visit and tend to Wild Thing. We watched how they make a harnesses, saw many out in this heat farming, got to tour a house that they actually live in, and of course we made time to eat and shop. I bought some of their really yummy homemade bread and some apple butter to enjoy at home. Wild Thing fell in love with a homemade leather tool belt at the harness shop and so we bought it for him and he even wore it to church today with his Sunday clothes! A great trip with great people!
Darling and Tenderheart ready to go

Wild Thing with our cousin

the girls and their toys
Wild Thing's new toolbelt

My Gma talkin to everyone
Yummy Homecooked food

how a Wild Thing sleeps :)
Tenderheart's hat and an Amish doll
Wild Thing fell asleep FINALLY

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