Monday, October 3, 2011

Family Updates

Hello All, I have not been able to communicate often because life has totally overtaken me lately. We are entering a new season in life and I for one am thrilled. The nice fall weather has been helpful too :) I thought since it had been a while I would give you all updates on what each family member has been up to lately.

Darling-10 has been accomplishing so much this year as a big fifth grader! She is becoming a young lady and although this time of life isn't always the most enjoyable years as a mother I am proud of her and am glad to get to watch her grow up. She is a great big sister (most the time) and helps me run the household as well as take care of all her brothers. She has been asking me to adopt her a sister her age lol. She misses having friends around as she is now middle school age and social activities are getting more important. She sings and is interested in becoming a musician. We aren't currently enrolled in any activities as our dear swim teacher passed away and our piano teacher moved :( We will be finding something hopefully cheap for her soon. She has been a godsend. I don't know what I would do without her!

Tenderheart-8 is busy being busy lol. He is constantly distracted by anything which makes homeschooling with little ones running round very difficult and time consuming. He is super sweet and as his name implies has a very tender heart. He is now in third grade and is doing great. Multiplication and division hit this year and he is flying through it. He is usually nice to his brothers and helps them out whenever he can without having to be asked. He is interested in taking some form of karate this year and if funds are available we will enroll him and probably all the kids. Hopefully this helps him get some energy out during the winter months when we will be inside more.

Wild Thing-5 is as always a handful. He is constantly into something and has been my biggest challenge. He is supposed to be homeschooling this year for kindergarten but I am hoping if I give him a little time to mature he will be capable of sitting still long enough to learn something. So, we are only doing school with him a couple days a week. He also has allergies and asthma so this keeps us on our toes because he is constantly breaking out in rashes or having trouble breathing and of course he won't stay away from the things that bother his allergies.  He climbs, jumps, fights, and is always covered in dirt. I didn't know what having a true boy was like until he came along. As slight as he is he is the biggest personality in the family :)

Hoss-3 just started Pre K this year and he is the biggest kid there. I pray that he won't be a bully as he tends to be when he is at home at times. He is two years younger than Wild Thing but uses his size to get his way. Poor little Wild Thing doesn't have a chance to win a fight against him. He is very smart and extremely quick to learn new things. I will probably school him along with Wild Thing and let them learn together next year. He is either super sweet or super naughty. There is no in between with him. He is always hungry and has been busted many times under the kitchen table with some type of food he discovered left within his long reach scarfing it down. He has eaten half of a cake before!!

Sweet Cheeks-1 is gearing up for his second surgery. He will be about 18 months old when that takes place. He has a very laid back personality and is very sweet. He loves to get kisses and loves all of his siblings. Needless to say he is very spoiled and almost always gets his way. If mommy says no somebody else will do it for him :) Although he is over a year old he refuses to quit nursing which makes it difficult for me to work ten hour days. So he has reverted back to getting most of his meals throughout the night which is starting to catch up with me because I haven't gotten a good nights sleep since he was born!! HE is getting really close to walking and will be trying to keep up with his brothers soon. As for now I am just trying to enjoy the cute baby stage because it is way to fleeting.

Our family is so truly blessed. I feel so lucky to be born in the USA and to be able to have this great family with hardly ever a "real" worry. Praise God for his many blessings on me!!

That the blessing of Abraham might come upon the Gentiles in Christ Jesus, that we might receive the promise of the Spirit through faith.   Galatians 3:14 (NKJV)

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