Craniosynostosis Photo Diary

Fall 2017-age 7
This is a copulation of pictures of my son "Sweet Cheeks" and his journey with craniosynostosis. He was born with what I call an aerodynamic head (it went wide in front to pointy in back) plus he had a big bulbous bump strait out of the back of his head that stuck out really far. He had his first surgery when he was 6 months old and was in the hospital for ten days. They basically cut his head from ear to ear and took his skull off of the whole backside of his head, broke it up into small pieces and pieced it back on with screws leaving spaces between so that it would grow back in a more normal shape. His head is still pretty lumpy where the skull bones weren't in exactly the right shape to make a perfect fit. His aerodynamic, bumpy head has been transformed into a fairly normal shape and he is doing great. I couldn't be prouder of my lil' man!!
Aug 2017
Dr Lin- the best!!!

Easter 2011

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