Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Sweet's Shots

My new job has really taken a toll not only am I working outside the home I now have paperwork to do while at home. I am trying to spend as much spare time with the kids and am quite unsure if this was the right thing to do. Once we start homeschooling again I don't think I will be able to do it all. The kids aren't getting all they need from us.
  I also had to take Sweet Cheeks for his 9 mos check-up and he got three shots (he is behind because of his surgery). He did really well and hardly even cried although his legs are still really sore. He did get batman bandages to make him feel better. He has been fussy for the last two days (and nights) now and has been running a fever. I feel sooo bad to leave him when he doesn't feel well. He really just wants to be held and cuddled with. He lays his little head on your shoulder and snuggles into your neck. He is even more cute when he is sick, poor lil man. 
I've got to get ready for work which now includes make-up and hair- I haven't had to do all that except on Sundays for a few years. It takes longer than I remember (may be due to the fact that I am older and have to do more to look good). Plus I need to work in a nursing session before I go. Wish me a good, fast day!

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