Friday, May 27, 2011

Plague of Locusts

Not only has our neck of the woods been in a stream of bad weather... including many flooded areas and several tornadoes... now we have locusts EVERYWHERE! It reminds me of what Bible times plagues must of been like (okay maybe not that bad but grotesquely bad) The trees are all covered with them and our playhouse has them everywhere. When you walk through the yard they fly up on you!! 
Their hard shells are all over under the swing and porch and the boys have been picking them off and putting them on their shirts. They cling there while they run around having a great time scaring me with them. They are about 2 inches long with red eyes. I am not a bug person and this really freaks me out. They say that these come out every thirteen years, but all my family who has lived here forever says they have never seen any like these. No matter where they come from or how often I am sooo ready to be rid of them. EWWW!
pile of dead ones at the bottom of the tree

shells all over the tree in our front yard

playhouse with locusts everywhere and branches from yet another storm

close up of the nasty little things

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