Tuesday, June 7, 2011

4 months Post-Op Craniosynostosis Update

Today was Sweet Cheeks' 4 month check-up at the children's hospital. It takes us about 2.5 hours to get there so we had to get up at 5 to have time to get ready and nurse him before we left. I was blessed enough to have an appointment the same day as my cousin's baby (he has gastrointestinal problems) thirty minutes apart so we could ride together. This really helps especially at today's gas prices!! The doctor was a little concerned with his protruding forehead still, but to me he looks wonderful and I am quite sure we will not opt for surgery unless it is a brain issue that could cause harm not just merely cosmetic. I am extremely happy to say that he is doing amazingly well and is progressing. He now has enough hair to cover up his scar so it isn't hardly noticeable, he is starting to army crawl, and is catching up with his peers. I believe the only reason he was a little lacking is because we held him so much afraid he may hurt his head (or his siblings hurt it for him). Now he is terrifically spoiled, never sleeps in his own bed, and wants to be held all the time! This is hard to do with four other kiddos biding for your attention, but we are working it out. I thank God we have a joyful, chubby, happy and healthy little man that we are sooo very privileged to get the opportunity to raise. What a awesome gift!
Here are some literal "Head Shots" lol:
top view of his still oval shape

just a cute smile :)

side view that shows forehead protrusion

another side view

"I'm spoiled and wanna be held" view

forehead protrusion

another cute smile!

front view- sides go out a lil at top

trying to get a top view lol

Behold, children are a heritage from the LORD, the fruit of the womb a reward. Like arrows in the hand of a warrior are the children of one’s youth. Blessed is the man who fills his quiver with them! He shall not be put to shame when he speaks with his enemies in the gate.  Psalms 127:3-5

1 comment:

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