Saturday, July 9, 2011

Moving Along

We are starting to get into a routine with my work and homeschooling going full speed ahead. I am always so determined at the beginning of the year to keep all subjects up to date and never get behind, but that kind of goes out the window as reality hits throughout the year; so far we are doing really well and are staying on task.  Darling and Tenderheart are really showing their maturity since last year and are starting to become self motivated which is right next to a miracle in my book... trying to push them along when they weren't into it really took a lot of my energy last year.  I will start Wild Thing and Hoss a little later (not too thrilled about the war that will ensue with Wild Thing). They are about at the same level so I may do a lot of their work together. Hoss enjoys doing homework because he feels big like his brothers; on the other hand Wild Thing would much rather never learn a thing and go on about his sword fighting and collecting of lego stickers (which are ending up all over my walls!). Nevertheless we are moving along and I am not losing my mind (which is a blessing from God). My store is doing great and I am selling quite a bit from people around here who have heard about my products so maybe bills will get paid and I'll be rich lol.

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