Monday, June 6, 2011

Goodbye Books, Hello Sunshine!

I am officially on my own today. Usually I have my parents in and out to help with the kids if I need them, but they had to go up north three hours to my sister's house to help her get her house ready to put on the market. I have all 5 of mine and the twins and it is 101 degrees outside so I can't take them out to get rid of energy today. So far we have done pretty good and it is nap time now so we will see if they go to sleep since they have been inside all day and aren't totally wore out.

Mr. Railroad just called and said he will be late so I have Wild Thing's ballgame and Darling's ball practice to get sorted out also. Just another typical day around here and I am thankful for it. I enjoy days at home with my family. Homeschooling will be done by Wednesday, so in two days we will be partying!! Hopefully we will get our pool put up by then and we can enjoy it.

I am still trying to decide how much of a break we will do. We typically have a short break and then continue on working through the summer and take more small breaks so the kids don't have to waste time in review work and we can take off anytime we are getting overwhelmed by it. I believe I am more ready for a break than they are! I put so much pressure on myself trying to do it all and make sure they are up to par and usually a little ahead. Everyone scrutinizes you when you are a homeschooler and it feels often times I am trying to prove we are doing well by keeping them ahead of their peers. Homeschooling is really stressful, but so worth the benefits of having a close knit, God fearing family and who cares more about your child than you, the parent.

Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.  Proverbs 22:6

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