Who Are We?

    We are a God fearing family of seven. We love anything that we can do as a family and love each other dearly. 

We have five of THE CUTEST kids ever! Our kiddos range in age from nine to 7 months. One girl and four boys... she is the oldest so she still kicks butt. The boys are busy, busy and keep me hopping while my daughter is a reader and writer with a side of attitude.

We live in a very rural area on a farm (15 minutes from the nearest gas station) with my parents. We are lucky to have a five bedroom, three bath home with a huge yard and cousins both ways a couple doors down. We also have several gardens for veggies, an orchard for our fruits, and we help my mom raise her cows for meat.  This is the kind of place where everyone you pass on the road waves to you and everyone knows you by who your parents or grandparents were and can usually tell who you belong to by your looks..."your a Saltzman aren't you?"

We have three outdoor cats and a really, really old mutt dog named Valentine. All drop offs we adopted.

We are a homeschooling family and believe that it not only helps grow a greater relationship with each other but also with God. Everyday around here is busy and that is the way we like it. We participate in 4H, soccer, swimming, sign language, baseball, and are thinking about piano and tae kwon do.

I am the momma and the home school teacher, I babysit a couple days a week, and love to sew and craft on the side. I am not much of a cook or the best housekeeper, but believe wholly that God will "bless our mess!"

My husband is the breadwinner. He works on the railroad and is starting to do construction and heating and air. He is the comedian of the group and can make us all laugh at the drop of a hat. He also serves as a human jungle gym and/or professional wrestler.

We love our life and hope you love sharing it with us!! :)