Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Welcome Spring!

    I am so excited for this great weather. The kids being cooped up inside is just a recipe for disaster... all that pent up energy must come out and you never know when or where it is going to happen. Wild Thing has been extra challenging on these rainy days looking for ANYTHING to keep him outta trouble. Yesterday he got into all of my office supplies making an "airplane" I am now out of staples and tape! He was occupied however for at least thirty minutes which in my world is a long time. Darling and Tenderheart managed to only get half their homework done since we were also spring cleaning and I was occupied trying to work my way to the floors of the boys' room.

    As I was right in the middle of mounds and mounds of laundry and toys (we just got back from camping so had a lot of muddy stuff to clean and were also going through clothes to get rid of all too small clothes.... love this purging stage!) I got a phone call that the lady I am supposed to watch her 2 1/2 year old twins on Wednesdays wanted to stop by and check us out!! After a slight heart attack I agreed and ran frantically through the house trying to get it in shape. Lord knows if she saw it the way it was she would never leave her kids here! I managed to get the upstairs in pretty good shape and decided to just deter them from going to the basement.
    They showed up and of course this set my kids in high hyper state because someone new was around and they started running around like a bunch of banshees. She took it in stride (having twins helps understand others misbehaved kids maybe??), then my mother suggested my daughter show the little girl her room which just so happens to be IN THE BASEMENT. I tried to distract her from going, but the mom thought this a wonderful idea and of course the girl wanted mommy to come along! We trekked down the stairs and I tried to keep all the other lights off but Tenderheart decided it was too dark. On the lights went and even I was surprised at how bad it looked with the boys jumping through it. After explaining to her we just got back from camping and that I promise the house won't look like this when her kids are here she seemed to believe me. Oh how I wish I could wave my magic wand and have perfect children and a clean house!!

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