Monday, April 11, 2011

New Beginnings

    Finally!! We have approached the end  of another homeschooling year. As much as I love the closeness of our family through homeschooling and the time it gives us to focus in on God's word I am always ready for it to come to an end. Every year we contemplate sending them back to public school and so far every year have decided against it. I am always glad once we get into it; it seems that like most things in life it is just the getting started part that is the worst. Darling will now be a 5th grader, Tenderheart a 3rd grader, and little Wild Thing is now a big Kindergartner!! I can't believe how fast they grow! I am so proud of my kids and the people they are becoming and do believe that home school has greatly added to their closeness with God and to their kind hearts. Sooo looking forward to the summer off and baseball and softball season... should be a really busy one with all three kids playing. I will no undoubtedly be bragging to you about all of their great plays ;) Until next time may God bless you!

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