Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Can't Live with Him...

    It is safe to say that if looks could kill my husband would no longer be with us after today. I have had another busy day (with Sweet Cheeks and Hoss in tow)- taking the car to be detailed (there was enough french fries buried under the seats to feed an army and stains everywhere after two years of the kids destroying it), running by Target for supplies for my etsy shop, and taking Darling to an art class. I had to wait two hours at the detailers with Sweet Cheeks screaming 70% of the time and then an hour drive to art and another two hours at Darling's class  (one of the downfalls of living out in the country we have to stay to afford the gas prices these days). Hoss was tired of being cooped up and wanted to run around which meant I had to run around carrying Sweet Cheeks. This made my day stressful to say the least. We left at noon and finally got back at seven. My wonderful husband who had been home since five decided to inform me as soon as I stepped in the door that I am not doing all the things I should be! I should of had the house cleaned and supper on the table! Just because we live in the country doesn't mean that we believe in that old time belief system of "Supermom" who does it all. Let's face it our husbands aren't out in the fields doing backbreaking work 16 hours a day. Although I know he works hard at this particular moment he had better be glad there were no weapons in sight. I am not even sure he will be safe when I see him tonight! UUUGGHHH!

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