Tuesday, April 5, 2011

I LOVE my body!

Well after having five kids my body has suffered and I have often complained about it and have had thoughts of how nice it would be to get a new one. Soooo I walked three miles today pushing Sweet Cheeks in our new Joovy stroller (LOVE it!). I will be sore tomorrow I am sure. Thankfully my mom took the other four kids right before lunch (yea! one less meal for me to prepare and feed) and is keeping them overnight at the campground so I have a little time to focus on the baby (and very little time to focus on myself). As I walked these thoughts came to me:

I have way too often complained about my features and have wanted to look differently and have neglecteed to see how blessed I am to have what I do. There are soooo many people out there who can't walk, can't have children, have horrible medical conditions, and there bodies aren't working for them. I have a perfectly good body that serves me well and all I can do is complain about it. It has breathed for me, healed me, taken me all over the world, and has given five beautiful children. I will from now on take time to treat my body as it should be treated and thank God for yet another totally undeserved blessing!
Thank you God for putting up with my selfishness and evil desires to have things of this world instead of treasures in heaven. I am undeserving of all the many blessing you have bestowed upon me and will from now on make a more consorted effort to appreciate ALL that you have given me. Please keep me in my place and use me in whatever way you can to benefit your righteous plans and not my own. Amen.

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