Thursday, April 21, 2011

Sew Busy!

    Managed to get rid of any signs of illness today. Yea!! Now I can move onto sewing. I have three pillowcases in the making and will post pics as I get them going. Also, I decided to sew Darlings dress for Easter this year. That may have been a mistake... I got it all together and realized it wasn't looking right the skirt part was way to tight so I decided to take it apart and add more material to the skirt and resew it. After two days of pulling out stitches (for some reason these were the tightest stitches ever and of course I top stitched it already before trying it on, why- I will never know I never do that)  I got it all apart and realized I didn't have enough of the material I needed... I could have swore I had a bunch of extra. Things do tend to disappear around here. We have elves or something running around taking socks, toys, and pretty much anything that I really need, and definitely anything that I must have immediately. I hope to snare one of these little guys and recover my missing items one of these days. For now I will just make a special trip before Sunday (only two days away UGH!) and buy the material I need (being in such a rural area this is an hour trip for me). The boys will all be wearing tie tees and long sleeve blue button-ups over them left undone with navy shorts and sandals. I will include pics from our Easter days attire. I will also be giving the boys all a hair cut so pray that no mess ups occur this time around since it is really an inopportune time to do a buzz cut! Tomorrow Easter craft and egg coloring day. This will be fun I have some new things I wanna try... hopefully I can fit it all in. Off to nurse Sweet Cheeks and hopefully he will call it a night early so I can get some much needed sleep to prepare for all I have to do in the next two days.

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