Friday, April 1, 2011

Not Now!!

What is the unwritten rule that all kids have that tell their bowels whenever you're in a hurry to kick into high gear?!?! For the millionth time this has happened to me I was trying to quickly get all five kids ready and out the door when C came waddling up to me. We have been working on potty training and he was doing really well so I decided to let him wear big boy pants. Not my greatest move!! As soon as I laid eyes on him I knew that he had left me quite a stinky little present. I quickly removed him from any carpeted area and decided to take him outside for a quick spray off with the hose (what a good idea the weather has been warm and this will same me time and mess). I get him out there and remove the offensive mess to the side walk and turn the hose on. As soon as the water hit his backside I realized my mistake... the spray gun was set to jet!! Poop began flying everywhere!! My whole body was now covered in it!! Why do things like this only happen when you have zero amount of time? Being a mother of five thankfully this didn't make me throw up. I realized that we had five minutes to get to school and pick up Busy from Pre-k and this isn't the first time we had been late leaving him to wonder if we were coming, but that is another story. I quickly ran in and told Darling (my nine yr old) to put Sweet Cheeks in the car seat and get herself buckled in. While they were doing that I decided to sacrifice myself for the good of the team (and to save face and prevent myself from getting the worse mom award at pre-k). I did a quick rinse down and threw myself into the car and sped off down the road telling myself I had just enough time if they were a little late getting out as they often are. Thank God we made and I avoided being seen (or smelled) by anyone:) Just another day in the life of a mom.

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