Sunday, April 17, 2011

Sunday Sweet Sunday

  Church was great! We all managed to get up and get ready without any major catastrophes which meant Mr. Railroad and I weren't about to kill each other on the ride there making it quite a sweet day. Many Sundays we have argued the whole way there and then walk into the door and forget all of it immediately. How quickly something that seemed so important becomes minisquel in the big picture!After church and a great Sunday meal (ravioli and Ramen noodles... Way too tired to cook!) I got the rare chance to go to my grandmother's to meet my two aunts and work on our new quilting machine-without any kids! After 3 hours we finally had it threaded right and got the fabric in I lol. By then Mr Railroad had enough of being Mr Homemaker and called me home so I didn't even get to see any sewing! Maybe next time I'll actually get to turn it on! It was a non-eventful day and I'm for one glad. Tomorrow is not looking like it will be the same :(

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