Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Twin Day!

    Okay so I got up at 6 to finish up the cleaning of the house to give a better impression than we did when they came over the first time. We were at the tail end of putting up the remainder of the laundry when Tenderheart called out "they're here!" The twins had arrived for the first day of babysitting. So far so good... no crying or whining (by me or them). They are just the cutest kids around! The girl has curly blonde hair with adorable dimples and the boy has big, bright, blue eyes and blonde hair. We will see how the day goes and I will keep you updated as to how we progress. Mr. Railroad believes that I have lost my mind taking on extra children lol. I love kids and really want to help anyone out I can while at the same time getting extra income that helps me stay home with the kiddos. It is a win win in my mind (but maybe I am crazy!)

    I have been contimplating getting a part time job although I don't know how I would ever get anything accomplished if I did. I can't keep up with it all now! I turned in my resume to be reviewed to see if I am even eligible for a social worker type gig. I am half praying that I am not. It would only be twenty hours a week, but that would greatly inhibit my time for homeschooling and crafting cooking and cleaning. All I can do is pray and my prayer is that if it is in God's plan for me it will all just fall into place and if not then it will never even be a prospect so I don't have to stress about it.
   At least I can say that the house has officially been spring cleaned (til tomorrow-- oh who am I kidding probably this afternoon) and so now I am ready to meet the next challenge... hopefully it's an easy one :)

For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11

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