Thursday, April 7, 2011

Modesty in an Immodest World?

    I know many of you are going to think I am a crazy left wing Christian, but our society has really fallen off the deep end on this one. Even non Christians should take note of the dress and mindset of those making these immodest designs for our children. With that said here is my post:
    The Lord has been laying on my mind lately the concept of dressing appropriately for a Christian. I have desired to do this for myself and for my young daughter and still be able to look stylish. As I shop, I realized that especially in the Girls sections the clothing more reflects a half dressed teen or a stripper than a little girl. "Darling" is nine years old and most of the skirts for her age are mini and the tops are midriffs or have elongated v necks. What is going on in our society where the children are even dressed immodestly.
No wonder we have such a problem with rape and molestation when we are constantly putting these images in front of men's faces. (I do NOT in any means say that rape or molestation is in any way the victim's fault. I am a victim of childhood molestation myself.) How can someone who struggles with these sort of evil desires get away from it in our society. Even Christian men are berated with visuals that they should not have in their minds. I don't want my sons to grow up thinking that these images are the norm and be caused to sin by them.     
    Luckily my daughter herself has decided to be covered and refuses to ever show her midsection and she even tells me at times that I need to wear an undershirt when too much is revealed. I am all for looking good but not to the detriment of the men around us and to ourselves. If someone only likes us because of how much skin is showing I daresay they are after something more than a relationship. Our attire should adorn us for coverage and make us feel confident. If you look hard enough you can find a happy medium and feel good about yourself for other reasons than the way you're dressed.

"In like manner also, that women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with shamefacedness and sobriety; not with broided hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly array; But (which becometh women professing godliness) with good works." (1 Timothy 2:9-10)
***This verse is not saying to never adorn yourself with jewelry or nice apparel but to do it in a way that is modest and not for prideful reasons to make yourself "better than others."  You should bring attention to your countenance and not your thigh or breasts.

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