Sunday, April 17, 2011

Soccer Saturday

    Well we had another eventful day at the soccer fields. It was a cold, drizzly day and we were out in it for our usual 4 hours. Wild Thing managed to surprisingly act like a human and actually ran up and down the field! (most the time his poor lil five year old body is just too tired to run lol--dripping with sarcasm if you didn't get that! ) He is a tad bit on the lazy side unless it comes to sitting still then he suddenly has enormous bursts of energy! 

    Darling managed to make 3 goals!! Her games are a joy to watch because they know what they are doing and it is neat to see them use their knowledge. I never was any good at sports although I have always liked playing them. Now I'm afraid I may turn into the annoying,  crazy parent that won't stop cheering and embarrasses their kids and relentlessly attacks a ref for a bad call :/  I can see why it happens now that I am emotionally invested in these games.

    Tenderheart was excited to be goalie. lol --less contact that way. He stayed to the back of the pack when he was on the field claiming that that  was his "strategy" to get the ball in case it ever got thrown back there. He is always thinking lol. I love his sweet lil spirit and his gentleness. It will come in handy one day I am sure.

    My kids bring joy to my heart and a smile to my face. What fun to get to watch them grow and mature. Can't wait til next game!

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