Friday, April 15, 2011

Bullet Points From a Mom on the Run

    Well today is one of those rainy dreary days. I decided that we would get a lot done today- we would get this house cleaned up, do homework, and I could get some sewing done with all my extra time. That was a JOKE!! I have done nothing but chase kids and hold a fussy lil Sweet Cheeks all day (who isn't really that little at 24 lbs.).
    I received a magazine a little while ago with an article about how to manage and organize a family... after holding onto it for weeks planning on getting some great info about what I must be doing wrong- I just now threw it away! You have to have time to read said magazine to glean any useful info, right? Maybe if it was written in bullet points I could get a few pointers in a day. So with that in mind I decided that bullet points should be the new fad and we wouldn't have to actually stop long enough to read complete sentences. Maybe you "moms on the run" will be able to read my "accomplishments" list:
  • Got up extra early to accomplish a lot!
  • started kids on homework by 7
  • finished said homework at 3! ugh!
  • cooked and cleaned and remessed kitchen
  • babysit one extra kid making the grand total 6
  • carried baby 90% of the day = one very achy back!
  • wished for ear plugs at least one thousand times- genie delivered 0
  • went outside with kids to enjoy the stall in the rain = four wet and muddy kids (they ran into the muddy garden and then tried to clean selves off with the hose)
  • napped- none
  • sewed - none
  • cleaned - none
  • brushed my teeth or took a shower - not a chance!!
  • made it through the day - hopefully... see if there are any more posts, if not you can safely assume that I have jumped fallen over the edge!
"Lazy people are soon poor;hard workers get rich."   Proverbs 10:4
   I am sure that I will soon be rich (if I ever have the time to work ;)

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