Saturday, April 2, 2011

Go, Go, Go!!!

Today was an eventful day! We started out by getting up at the butt crack of dawn (which for me is 7) ;) After getting all the kids gear on: cleats, shin guards, extra long (and extra difficult to get on) socks, and coordinating tees we headed out for a fun filled four hours at the soccer field (one of the perks of having so many children is that you get to stay for three games instead of just one!!) We had a great time the kids all cooperated (even Wild Thing who at the last game was walking around the field pretending to be blind and kept running into the coaches and other players) and we finished with the kids all believing that they won although I am pretty sure that wasn't really the case :) Then off to the grocery store for items we can never seem to keep enough of: bread, milk, and ketchup ... staples in our home. There is nothing that ketchup can't make taste good. After our groceries were stuffed between children and saying a quick prayer that we would get home with at least one loaf of unsquished bread we headed off.
By the nasty stench in the car I discovered Sweet Cheeks had left us a nice big poopy mess up his back so we had to run home and change him since I had cleaned out the diaper bag and now no longer had an array of outfits strung out in it and in the car (darn the luck the only time the car and diaper bag are clean it doesn't pay off!)
We arrived at our next locale the big birthday bash with a bounce house and I proceeded to drop the young uns off by the bounce house and head in with Sweet Cheeks for some lunch. It was 1:00 by this time and I was STARVING... breastfeeding really sucks any amount of energy from my body like a hoover vacuum. No food is left since we arrived so late, so ice cream cake it was. After an hour and two mishaps in the bounce house we headed off to my parents lot of land for some R & R. I love this place! It is a little lot of land with a small creek and a place that they park their motor home for modern conveniences. I went in immediately to feed Sweet cheeks while the other four played in the creek and "dug for treasure." After he was done he passed out so I laid him down for a power nap and went out to keep a watchful eye on Hoss and Wild Thing. In the meantime they had collected bugs from under rocks and we decided to have a roly poly race with them on the picnic table. It was very cute! My bug crawled off the edge so Tenderheart was the champion. By the time we left I had helped them dig up an old harness from a horse and some rusty ole parts to what I assume is some farming equipment. They truly believe they are going to sell it and get filthy rich. What a busy and wonderful day with my kiddos. Thank you Lord for getting me through days like this and helping me to remember how blessed I am to have five terrific, healthy kids to go to all these events with and enjoy.

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