Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Stomach Virus Takes on Saltzmans!

    The stomach virus has come a callin' at our house yet again! I cannot believe how many times we have had this since late last year. I think this has gone through this family about five times!! Two kids are down (Darling and Hoss) and three to go and probably Mr Railroad and I too. Uughh!! You would think with homeschooling we would be less prone to get all of these germs, but we manage to find them and then it slowly works its way through the house til we have all had it and if we are lucky it doesn't start all over again. 

I am praying that the lil' twins don't get it... I feel so bad that they just happen to be here on the day we start getting sick. I am guessing I will spend the rest of the day and maybe tomorrow cleaning up throw-up and washing laundry filled with- you don't wanna know. I have even put a pull-up on Darling (although she is nine) trying to help her out. She gets really upset about it. It is sooo bad that they can't control it and poor Darling is super pale and peaked looking. Little Hoss is passed out on the couch. He looks so cute and horrible at the same time. 
    Please say a prayer for our sicklys and hopefully this will be a quick illness. This is the one time I don't want the kids to share!!

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