Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Storm of the Century

    Last night after we got home from Tenderheart's first ball practice we started watching the weather hearing about possible 100 mph winds headed our way. We hurriedly ate and got all the kids jammies on and headed for the basement for a campout of sorts. The kids were excited to be able to sleep downstairs with us (the boys bedrooms are all upstairs) little did we know there would not be that much sleep going on. 
The wind began to blow along with torrents of rain that scared even me and I am not usually affected by storms. We were of course also in line for some hail and possible tornadoes too. It rained and rained and blew and blew along with constant lightning and it didn't let up til around two this morning!! I could hear branches breaking off the trees in our yard and the lightning sounded like it was right outside our window.
crazy... this is really close to our house
Thank goodness the kids were able to sleep through some of it once they got so exhausted they just couldn't stay up anymore. Of course our t.v. wouldn't work (when the power was on) because the wind was so strong the satellite wouldn't work. I was huddled down with my cell trying to see the 1 inch square radar that it showed on weather bug to tell if it was on its way out yet praying the whole time that my battery wouldn't die and leave me stranded with no electronics which were the only thing keeping me going. I was facebooking others who were also hiding out in their basements.

used to be a shed here
my aunts house
Finally it let up and I got a few hours of sleep before I had to get up and clean for another twin day. The yard looks like we have been in a war zone. Thankfully my husband thought to chain up the trampoline to a tree, but it is covered in debris and branches. We have a lot of cleaning up to do outside now too. Some of the fences for the cows were knocked down and some of our family has every tree in their yard blown over!! Well off to work I go... cleaning inside and out- hopefully my kiddos and the twins aren't much of a hindrance today :)

1 comment:

  1. O my gosh Im so sorry to hear/see of all of this damage...So glad you are all ok


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