Sunday, May 1, 2011

Local Sightseeing

  We went out today looking for outdoors activities. These are places within a few miles of us. We live in a beautiful neck of the woods.

This is an old observation tower. When I was small it was at least double in height. It is very wobbly and for those chickens like me very scary to climb up!!

going up

the tower
going up
made it to the top
view from the top

on our way back down

This is a place called Jackson Falls a little further in the woods than we are. The kids had a blast playing in the water and beside a small fall as we were too afraid to take them to the big falls for more than a second. It was very slick on the moss. We ate our lunch here. This place is going to be one of our go to spots for the summer to have free fun!!

Darling relaxin
posed on the fall

swimmin hole
Tenderheart and Darling enjoying the pool

Wild Thing

Hoss stayin close to mom
the tiny waterfall

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