Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Sweet Cheeks 1 month postop

I can't believe it has been a month since Sweet Cheeks had his last surgery. They reconstructed his head from the ears forward. Shaved his forhead down and removed all the skull in the front and repeiced it together trying to make a more normal shape. Since there wasn't enough skin to do what the doctor had wanted to do he doesn't look as good as we had hoped, but I am not complaining! We still have our sweet lil man and all is well. Once his hair all grows back no one will be able to tell -I think. He is still the sweetest lil guy ever! He loves to cuddle and to lean in for lots and lots of kisses. The rest of my boys were never into cuddling for very long- I had to fight them away from swords and remotes for my time with them. However still sweet, he is absolutely spoiled rotten!! He wants to be held constantly and he is no light weight -pushing 30 lbs- quite big for a 16 month old. He also still refuses to quit nursing. I love nursing and all but it has been 16 months!! I am ready for my body to be mine again!! He is the hardest baby to nurse too- always looking around and letting go and relatching constantly. He won't eat solid food, but instead constantly gives me the sign language for "more" and "milk." I feel like I am one of those crazy people you see on tv breastfeeding til their kids are ten! My boobs are going to hang to the floor by the time he's finished with them! Oh well, I guess I'll put up with it for a little longer and hope food gets more enticing now that he is off all pain meds and antibiotics (which gave him the worst stomach pain and diaper rash!) Thank you God for letting me keep my lil man and protecting his sweet lil life through all of this! Praise God for my many, many blessings!!

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