Saturday, February 18, 2012

Home School and Craft Area Now Officiallly Deemed Natural Disater

This is looking from the stairs into the crazy great room.
This is the view from the opposite side. Under the table is where the boxes of crafts and sewing supplies live.
Hoss playing in the play area. No, I didn't clean up for the pictures so you could get an accurate account of what I 'm dealing with.
This is where I can sit and sew while still occupying lil Sweet Cheeks and helping big kids with their home schooling. My desk is to the left.
These are the boxes we bought at Wal Mart to keep our books in. One or two for each kid.
My desk and sewing area in the corner. Have a few bills to pay lol.
I bought this bench with basket storage at Target to hide some toys in but it is too small to help out much.


Hold Your Tongue

Well I have been too busy to even type! I am trying to keep my business on Etsy going and also not neglect my kiddos which has definitely become a full time job that I always end the day feeling as if I haven't even come close to meeting my goal. I am attending a Bible study on Shepherding you Child's Heart and am attempting to not resort to screaming which for me is really hard. I come from a family that yelling is the way you show you care about someone... you wouldn't yell if you didn't care, right??? I have seen those moms who are always soft spoken no matter what and have been green with jealousy wishing I had that much control over my tongue. So.... I am really immersing myself into scripture and studying up on the ways God wants us to parent, instead of just going by what I have seen or what seems good to me. It was very shocking to me to find out that my way wasn't always the right way!! lol. I am one of those personalities that, as my husband can attest to, is not always that easy to live with. I am however, trying to change and striving to become the perfect mother and wife so I am excited to see what 2012 will hold in store for us.

Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear.Ephesians 4:29