Sunday, September 11, 2011

Sweet Cheeks First Birthday Photo Session

My wonderful aunt shot some pictures for me for Sweet Cheeks first birthday. We got these gems in about a half hour session out in my front yard. Although none of these are touched up yet I am more than pleased!! Check her out at "Shoot Me" Photography.  Enjoy!
what's a lil boy without a baseball :)
had this lil diaper cover made on etsy sooo cute!

"one" just learned this :)

waving to mommy
this is his sock monkey that we did his party around

you can see how his forehead protrudes and the top of his head is pointed

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Sweet Cheeks birthday and craniosynostosis appt

Hello all,
       I have been busier than a bee in a flower patch lately. I have been working my butt off in all areasof life: working, babysitting more, and sewing for custom orders, not to mention 1 husband, five kids, and a dog :). Needless to say I am totally exhausted. I wanted to inform of Sweet Cheeks updates:
       He turned one!!! Yay!! We threw a big outdoor sock monkey party for him at our campground because unlike the other kids I am very well aware how blessed we are to still have our little man in our lives. They all had parties too but this one was special to my heart because at one time we weren't sure what may happen and I realize that if he had been born anywhere else he may not be here right now. For his party, we made a color coordinating candy table. All the candy on it was red and browns to go with sock monkey colors (red hots, connamon disks, suckers, root beer barrels, twizzlers, etc) and I added some coke in glass bottles because they seem to fit the era and theme as well. I also made his monkey cake myself - I used a squre pan and then added a circle on top for the face and cupcakes along the sides for the ears and used the cut off top to make the cake flat for the hat and mouth. It turned out really cute! Tenderheart helped me make "Monkey Munchies" which is a cookie recipe in a quart jar to give out to guests and we put matching fabrics on the llids and tied them on with suede ties. It really ended up super cute although it was extrememly hot! He got to eat cake and ice cream and made a huge mess as every first birthday should be :) I will try to remember to attach some pics later.
       We also hit his six month post op date and so had a dr appt. Unfortunately the dr believes that we need to do a second surgery for the front of his head :(. The last one was only from his ears back and this one will be from his ears up. The measurments from right after surgery to now showed that his head has narrowed again since his last surgery and has also became more pronounced on his forehead. The best way to describe it is cro-magnon ish. We have to get the surgery in the next couple of months because if we wait til his head isn't growing as much they say he won't heal as well and the results won't be as nice. Please keep him inyour prayers!!
    Well I have a lot of other stuff going on but not time to talk now... it's off to work I go!!