Friday, July 1, 2011

Puke in the Pool

Today we were supposed to leave for my niece's wedding up north but Tenderheart has been throwing up all day :( He looks awful! We went to his baseball pool party yesterday and a little kid threw up in the pool while we were in it (really, really gross!).. so I think that is how we got the "bug." Pretty disgusting, at least it wasn't diarrhea. So... I went ahead and sent Darling to the wedding with my parents in their motor home because she is supposed to be the "bubble hander-outer" and I am trying to get myself motivated to clean out totes full of boy clothes in the garage, (I'll send all I don"t need to my lil' sister who is due in August. YAY! I can't wait!), then I need to get caught up on some sewing, and straighten my desk which is a total disaster right now. I also need to get all my papers organized so I can pay bills (hopefully we haven't already missed some since I haven't had time to even open my mail lately). Mr Railroad left to go out of town for several days, so it is just the boys and I. Hopefully none of the rest of us get ill. 
The rest of this week is looking pretty good. The schedule isn't so full that I can't read my calendar! I am sooo glad ball is over... I love watching the games but with three playing there is never a night off, most times two games a night. We have also started homeschooling again this week and thus far I haven't lost my mind. Darling claimed that it is not going to be like last year, she said she isn't going to procrastinate this year (we will see how long that lasts). I am determined to stay on a schedule now that I am working and am not that flexible which was one of my favorite things about homeschooling... we could just pick up and go anywhere or do anything whenever we felt like it, now we have to wait for weekends like everyone else :( That stinks because we are used to avoiding the crowds by going midweek or midday to the store or to waterparks, zoos, and the like. The next few weeks will tell if I am going to be able to keep up this pace and "do it all" or if I am going to have a nervous break down. I am one of those people who are the happiest when I should be really happy this year.   :)

Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.” Matthew 11:28-30

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