Saturday, April 23, 2011

Resurrection Rolls, Easter Nests, and Egg Coloring

For breakfast this morning we made Resurrection Rolls. These are really yummy and easy to make.

First you get out the ingredients: crescent rolls, marshmallows, butter, and cinnamon sugar. 
Then you melt the butter. Open the crescent rolls and give each kid one triangle. The marshmallows represent Jesus- give each kid one. Dip your "Jesus" into the oils and spices (the butter and cinnamon) his body was prepared in to be buried. 

 Make sure your marshmallows aren't all eaten by Cap'n Skunkbeard before you can use them ;)  Next, take his body and put it into the tomb (crescent roll) and seal the tomb tightly. If you don't seal all the holes well Jesus may not be resurrected!!

Cook the rolls for 11 minutes
  When they are cool let the kids open them to find that Jesus has disappeared! Tell the story of his resurrection or read it out of the Bible while you enjoy your snack.
Later we colored eggs with my cousin's kids.
Busy little bees seeing how many they can color.

Hoss likes orange, especially on his hands!
Tenderheart is always the careful one.

How pretty!
Finally, to top it off we made delicious chocolate bird nests. To make the nests we used semi sweet chocolate, shredded wheat, and robins eggs. 
First you melt the chocolate (8 bars) with 2 tbsp of Crisco at one minute intervals until all creamy. Then you add the broke up shredded wheat until it is all covered with chocolate. Next, you dip out the nest mixture onto wax paper and shape it into a nest shape.

Add your eggs and let it dry. Wallah, you have a cute little birds nest for a treat later!! (You can also use Rice Krispies- the fruity ones with white chocolate are really cute!)

The kids love their creations!!
We had soo much fun spending time together learning about Jesus and crafting. I hope you all have just as much fun!! Now I am off to finish sewing Darlings dress for tomorrow- nothing like last minute!!

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